When it comes to a loan’s profitability, the most important aspect is being able to maintain profit and minimizing time-spend, while keeping your borrower happy by giving them the best possible rate. It’s a tricky tightrope to walk, however great borrower engagement is no good if you’re not actually profiting on the loans you’re giving out. What’s worse, spending too much time on profitability and making sure you’re both making profit and giving your borrower the best product can actually hurt you in the long run.
Fortunately, Mortech has both the tools and the automated processes you need to be able to optimize loan profitability, while spending minimal time actually doing so.
Tool to help you optimize loan profitability
Mortech’s mortgage pricing engine has several built-in tools that help manage and optimize each loans profitability. For example, utilizing our Rounding Profit feature allows you to round out loan pricing, meaning you receive a small margin of the profitability directly, but without having to raise the rate.
Sometimes, borrowers are adamant on getting the lowest rate possible, even if it means the loan won’t price out 100%. However, with Mortech’s “Just Missed” pricing tool, you can offer that reduced rate to the borrower. While this means the profitability is slightly lower, it also means you get the loan in the long run.
Automated processes mean you don’t lose time and money
Of course, these tools and features are nothing if you have to spend all your time configuring and using them. Fortunately though, Mortech automates all of these processes already, meaning you don’t have to waste any time or money. Last year we created a way for you to actually see how much time you could be losing by manually managing your profit/margins and loan profitability, and find out how much time you could be saving with Mortech.
Having control of profit/cost adjustments along with tools that allow you to optimize loan profitability allow you to run the most efficient and profitable business, while also keeping good borrower relationships by giving them the best possible rate and product. Everyone wins!
Want to learn more on these tools, and how Mortech can help your business today? Contact us for a short, free demo to find out what we can do for you.