There can be a lot of fear with trying to quote your rates online to multiple marketplaces. Getting your rates pushed to your own website is tough on its own, but trying to manage and maintain rates on different marketplaces around the web is even tougher. Constantly having to check and update those rates can be daunting, and hesitating to jump into online quoting is understandable.
However, with Mortech, you no longer have to worry.
We provide you with a single interface to monitor all of your rates. With Mortech’s pricing engine, you don’t have to individually check every single marketplace your rates are on, you can instead view and manage them all in one central location. You can make sure that your rates are being displayed correctly, but more importantly, you can count on us to handle any intraday rate changes that occur.
One of the biggest advantages of Mortech, is our simple, scalable rate API. Our API can scale to handle as many transactions as possible, for however many rate quote requests you may receive. We can also make them easy to use for any website – simply plug it in, and let our API display your rates.
When a borrower submits their information through our API, we don’t just tell them a rate. We also tell them if they qualify with you or not. This information allows them to connect with you with a better understanding of the products you can offer them. With Mortech’s rate API, you can present them with that info as soon as they submit information, and get started on the right foot from the very first step.
There’s never been a better time to start quoting your mortgage rates online, and there’s never been a better place to start than with Mortech. Reach out to us today and let us show you the power of Mortech’s online rate quoting capabilities and mortgage APIs.