It appears the old saying, “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know” isn’t always true. Take the 2015 Nebraska Cornhusker Football team, going to a bowl game with only 5 regular season wins. Bowl games are normally reserved for teams who have at least 6 regular season wins, unless there aren’t enough of those teams to fill all of the bowl games slotted. What happens then, how do they decide who is eligible and who isn’t? This scenario quickly turns to, “It’s what you know.” The teams with the highest APR’s (not what you think … Academic Progress Rate) are then chosen to participate, of which Nebraska had the highest.
Much like identifying who can participate in bowl games, finding the correct loan for your prospects can be just as intense. With so many different scenarios and investor guidelines how does one keep it all straight? Mortech has recently enhanced its guideline offering to help loan officers and secondary desks all over the country find the right loans and meet all of the guidelines.
Now, without leaving Marksman, loan officers can review the most current investor guidelines to ensure their loans are on the up and up. We’ve recently enhanced product eligibility within Marksman for our users, and we’re excited about how this is being incorporated into your everyday pricing workflow. Marksman will allow the scenario you input to scrub the investor guidelines and return the appropriate pricing as either eligible or not. If there are any questions with the eligibility, loan officers, processors, and secondary desks can now look at the same guidelines within the system to verify and collaborate on loan decisions.
If you have any questions regarding this or any other function of Marksman, please feel free to reach out to our customer support team at or 888-529-3590.