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Mortech Blog


Support Squad: Navigating a Roundabout

Posted by Brian Kohel on Jun 15, 2016 12:38:44 PM

Support Squad by Brian KohelSometimes more is less, especially when it comes to making a decision of where to go next. I don’t know why, but I do not like multi-lane, multi-exit roundabouts. I get it, they are designed to keep traffic moving, but if I’m on a road I’ve never been on, it is nerve-wracking.  Roundabouts with one lane and one or two definitive exits are way easier as I have less of a chance of picking an errant path.


Does your current workflow lend itself to just a couple of options, or or are there a lot of them, causing your loan officers to question if they are picking the right one? Let Marksman help you design a roadmap that makes things easier to navigate for your staff.


Within Marksman, your company administrators can define workflows for their staff, based on many different variables such as loan purpose, lead sources, even individuals. Having this defined within Marksman eliminates confusion for your loan officers with regard to where they should go next with the prospect. Status by status you are able to decide what direction your loan officers need to go next by taking out the guess work, as they will only have certain statuses available to them, instead of your entire status offering. This is especially important when statuses are configured to trigger drip marketing campaigns as well.


Even though roundabouts can be intimidating when driving, navigating a prospect through Marksman shouldn’t be. For more information on how to set these up please contact your account manager. Or, to find out how you can begin quoting your rates online through Marksman today, contact us for a short, free demo.


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