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Mortech Announces New Model for Customer Retention Platform

Posted by Alexus Matulka on Jan 8, 2020 10:45:43 AM

We are excited to announce that we have released an improved model for our predictive analytics platform, Mortech Protection. With this platform you can leverage Zillow’s data of more than 195 million unique website users to better align yourself to be the first lender to reach out to potential home sellers. Our new model will allow Mortech to identify a population of addresses within your customer database that are very likely to list for sale, of which 1 in 4 homes will list in the next 90 days.  


With 61% of today’s home sellers being synchronous sellers (sold a home and bought another in the past 12 months), according to Zillow Group Consumer Housing Trends Report 2018, being able to flag properties in your customer database that are currently listed for sale, or are very likely to list for sale in the near future can lower the chance of these properties dropping out of your mortgage loan portfolio.


Take into consideration if you have a customer database of 100,000 homes. With our new predictive analytics model, you could expect about 700 of these homes to fall into the “very likely” to list bucket. Assuming a potential revenue of $6,000 per loan, by proactively targeting your marketing outreach to these specific home sellers you could see a potential revenue lift of $4,200,000 from purchase leads from Mortech Protection.



With a customer database of 100,000 homes you could expect:



With Mortech Protection you can spend a focused amount of marketing dollars on this small group of customers that have a probability to convert faster. With one easy step of uploading your database list into our portal, let Mortech Protection do the heavy lifting by dividing out your customer database based on the likeliness to list for you to then take a more targeted approach to marketing. Sending mass communications to a list of contacts is a thing of the past thanks to Mortech Protection.


Contact us at to learn how you can take advantage of our predictive analytics solution, Mortech Protection.

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