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Improved Product Features Available with New Encompass Release

Posted by Alexus Matulka on Aug 29, 2019 9:26:13 AM

Mortech’s integration with Encompass® by Ellie Mae® helps provide lenders with a pricing engine and secondary desk all in one. Eliminating the need for manual data entry you are able to automate the transfer of detailed loan pricing information from Mortech to Encompass. You are also able to create a custom, detailed experience that fits your business’ needs, because we understand that not every business is the same.


In July we launched a new release within Encompass that brought with it exciting new enhancements within theintegration. These new features have taken into account your feedback on the integration as well as added new updates that customize the experience even more.

New and improved features include:


Version Control with Saved Settings

The Mortech/Encompass settings now allow you to version control your settings for the Mortech/Encompass integration. Before implementing new settings in your production Encompass instance, you can now test changes in your QA instant and export your configuration to easily apply the same changes to your production environment. This also allows you to save your settings history in case you would ever need to revert to a previous version.


Pull back Sell Side Pricing with LO Request

Would you like to start taking advantage of auto-locking but need Sell Side Pricing exported at the time of Lock Request? With the new field mapping options, you now have the ability to pull back as much or as little data from Mortech based on the type of action a loan officer takes in the Mortech system. 


Map Mortech Pricing values to any field in Encompass

Don’t like the Marksman default mappings that we have available or do they interfere with business rules you have set up?  No problem! Mortech now has the ability to write all pricing data into custom fields so you do not have to worry about disrupting your current setup.  


Restrict Fields from updating Post Lock (Modified Workflows for CiC)

Want us to update separate fields based on whether a lock has already been approved on a loan file?  Marksman now allows you to update a different set of fields in Encompass if a lock has already been accepted on the Encompass file.


Restricting Lock/Export from Mortech

Do you want to restrict exporting and/or locking for loan officers based on the current lock status in Encompass? You now have the ability to disable these options for the loan officer before a lock is present or after a lock has been accepted in Encompass!


If you were unable to make it to our webinar hosted by Josh Lehr, Industry Development Manager, you can still view the recording here. Looking to add this integration to your company’s workflow? Contact us today to schedule a demo!


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