This week on Meet Mortech we want to introduce you all to our Senior Mortgage Data Specialist, Zack Zortman!
Favorite part of the job: For me it's been learning an entirely different side of the mortgage industry. My background is secondary marketing and lending, so being more behind the scenes managing data has been a great learning opportunity. Included with that, I've really enjoyed moving to a company that truly values, believes in, and trusts their employees.
Favorite things to do on his days off: Outside of spending time with my wife and son, for me it's golf. I've been fortunate enough to have an understanding wife who has let me convert a portion of the garage into an indoor simulator bay, so I haven't had to take the winter completely off this year. It's been a blessing. I'm also an avid reader, writer, sunset watcher, occasional wine drinker and meat smoker.
Favorite places to travel: I love the mountains, so any chance I get to take a drive through the Rockies and spend some time in Vail or Aspen, I take. Also, I love Scottsdale, Hilton Head and the Riviera Maya.
Interesting fact about you: I've written five novels. Nothing published yet, haven't quite had the time to self-publish or put in the work to find a publisher. Also, I won a state title in high school in golf and played collegiately.
Favorite time of the year: Golf season.
Family life: My family is everything. My wife and I work opposite shifts. She's an ECMO specialist (advanced pediatric life support) at Children's Hospital and works overnights, so sometimes it can be hard to find quality time, but we really like to take advantage when we do. We love to take our almost 2 year old son, Edison, on little adventures. As much as COVID has allowed, at least. We haven't traveled much since having our kiddo due to first year baby craziness - he was in the NICU for six weeks after being born prematurely, then with COVID hitting, but we do anything we can to get him and us out of the house to do fun things safely. We also have a 9 month old Great Pyrenees "puppy" named Maui who keeps us on our toes. We're really hoping to be able to take a couple trips this year. There's a big, beautiful world out there for my boy to see.