Your loan origination system is already a great tool to keep you organized with your borrower requests and help them move from lead to close in an efficient way. Why not add in another layer to make your life easier and to keep moving through borrower leads faster than ever? By integrating your current loan origination system with our pricing engine, Marksman, you will see less manual work, be provided with one central location where you can move through the mortgage process with ease and stay relevant within the digital age.
Less manual work
Currently, as you work through the mortgage process with your borrower you find yourself having to pull open a new tab to find pricing for their specific loan scenario. This causes one more manual task with you having to then pull that pricing information and enter it manually back into the LOS platform. Handling this data is a thing of the past with the help of our pricing integration. Everything you need is within your LOS providing you with a quicker turnaround time for your borrower. Manually pricing scenarios increases risk for mistakes, causes excess work for you and provides you with less time to do what really matters, building a relationship with your customer.
One central location for tasks
The need to click through extra screens or windows to access Mortech’s pricing engine tools and data is a thing of the past. With the ability to compare hundreds of wholesale and correspondent investors’ rate data in one interface you are offered a quicker and more streamlined business model to provide your borrowers with the best product for every loan scenario. Manage your data and use tools for better business procedures that will help your loans close quicker. Quicker closing time means happier customers that are more likely to refer you to friends and family.
Join the digital age
This is by far one of the greatest benefits to integrating our pricing within your loan origination system. Being a part of the ever-changing digital age is a must to give you that one step ahead of your competition. By providing full functionality from base pricing information to secondary lock information you will now have a single file cabinet for your mortgage information. The best part – it is all digital! Don’t find yourself falling behind the trend of speed and instant communication. Push ahead and join the digital age of lending.
We are constantly looking to build off of our already existing solutions and continue our goal of making the mortgage process easier for both borrowers and lenders. We already have these great features available within industry-leading LOS platforms including; Ellie Mae, Integra, Byte and Calyx. We are looking forward to chatting more about how you can integrate our pricing within your current loan origination system. Contact us now to get started.